Hello all,

We are now on Facebook showcasing my elapids and other reptiles please check it out and add me as a friend if your a fan, also it will show what my breeding projects are ETC i will also keep you up to date on what is going on with the website.

Please have a look and leave me a comment!! i wont bite.

Also we have a new email adress for all your questions and inquires please use:
[email protected]

Facebook profile:

I'm in a slight slump at the moment unsure on what logo i should go with the new one or the old one?
Please post your opinions on what logo i should go with or any changes i should make.



Hello All,

Not long ago a small group of people formed a website called herp community a newly free based website for those for a more relaxed look at the forums tho unfortunately the website decided to pull the plug due to childish remarks and threats towards the people running the website.

But now they have decided to start the website up again this time have been very successful in doing so they have managed to gain many big name elapid keepers such as Shane Black, David Peica and more.

I reccomend anyone to have a look at this site where everyone is friendly and has the relaxed vibe throught the website.

This website has already got some big sponsers such as Scails and Tales and looking to increase.

I can see this website been a top contendor with the likes of Aussie Pythons and Snakes and Australian Reptile Forum

Follow this link to view the website, please post any feedback you have towards the site in the comment box below.




Hello all,

I recently created a thread showing pictures of my small elapid collection this is a must see to see the beauty of these snakes.

I will also upload a few pictures on here that i won't post on the forum, to keep those who view this website interested 

The thread showcases many different types of elapids  such as marsh snakes, whip snakes , de vis banded snakes and more

Here's the link to the thread: http://www.aussiepythons.com/forum/australian-snakes-37/small-elapids-113398

hope you enjoy the thread as much as I did,


The 2009 annual reptile show held on Sunday the 29th of March 9 redfern rd Minto, this show is a must for those keen herpetologists interested in seeing some spectacular displays of reptiles ranging from your Green Tree Pythons right through to the Blue Tongue Lizards. Also there will be some live shows that you may attend, last but not least there will be exhibits that people may enter their reptile into including elapids this year.

The show will also host some of Australia’s best and biggest breeders showing and selling their animals to the public, for more information please follow the links below.

I will be attending the show this year hope to see you there!!

Macarthur Herpetological Society


Annual Show information



Hello all,

On the 26th of February and the 5th of March there will be a Venomous Snake Course in Bathurst. The course is run by our very own herpetologist peter carter the course will include things such as first aid (how to deal with snake bites), how to identify non-venomous to venomous and last but not least hands on work with the elapids (bagging, tailing ETC)

The course is a great learning curve for those who have a keen interest in elapids, this course is quite rare to Bathurst so it’s to be attending the course gathering valuable information and one on one with peter carter himself.

I myself will be attending this course in order to improve my knowledge for elapids and also to improve my experience with them.


In this article a person was killed by a croc in the Endeavour River near Cooktown Queensland's far north on September 30, more information in the article.




 This article is about Raymond Hoser and his backyard practices regarding the removal of snake’s venom glands: the DSE and surrounding COURTS find that the venomoids are unsafe for the usage of free handling in his shows, it also states Mr. Hoser is unable to do these procedures as he is not qualified,


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