Hello all,

Last night was one of the best nights i have had for a while. I Tried to feed my female de vis a pinkie mouse after attempts before this was unsuccessful due to lack of interest in the pinkie so I starved or left the reptile for a few weeks in order to make the snake hungry and keen for a feed.

So after weeks and weeks of working on this snake it has paid of the snake took the pinkie mouse (which was scented) within the first 10-20 seconds of placing inside the tub.

I only have a couple of pictures that are somewhat of poor quality I rushed because I didn’t want to stress the snake plus the snake could of dropped of the food source,



Hello All,

I purchased a new addition to my elapid collection a Marsh Snake, this snake is one of the best buys of 09 due to the amazing colouration this snake has plus the fact it is feeding great.

The snake is feeding on frozen fish that the snake will take readily and with ease

It's  amazing to see how small this snake is at 5months of age but ive noticed it has grown significantly in the past few days due to continuous feeding.

Id recommend any first time elapid keeper to purchase a few of these amazing elapids to watch and grow, they may need a little more effort then say a coastal carpet but it's worth it.


Hello all,

I recently went on a trip to QLD in this trip I was faced with many different reptiles such as frogs, geckos and snakes.

A thought id share with you a few pictures I had taken of a Coastal Taipan sorry for the quality the pictures didn’t turn out the way I would of like them to.



Found this poor little guy down the river today, he has an amazing colour redish/brown.
 its a shame seeing snakes like this.



I decided to take a trip to the Australian Reptile Park, lucky on the day they had tiger snake milking but with a twist it was a Chappel Island Tiger they are prodomintly larger then your normal tiger- the pictures where kind of hard to take as he was walking around with the snake so they may be a little blury.



This is my first image upload for the site so i thought i would start of with some cracker images- the images are of local snake handler Peter Carter with a red belly black snake, he gets to the point where the snake is inches from his hand, 


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